SHIFT Registration to Open with BIG Sale


Registration for our 2020 SHIFT Childcare Leaders Conference at the beautiful Eden Roc Hotel on Miami Beach, Florida will go LIVE at 9am EDT on Monday, September 16, 2019. But this is no ordinary conference registration launch…

For one week only, SHIFT ticket prices will be $499 for our special SUPER EARLY BIRD SALE. That’s $250 OFF our General Guest price!!

Those who want to take advantage of this deal MUST register before midnight on Sunday, September 22, 2019. Once over, SHIFT Early Bird ticket prices will launch at $549 each and will be available through Friday, November 1, 2019.

After Friday, November 1, 2019 there will be no more sales for SHIFT tickets and prices will be available for the price of $749 per attendee. Still a great deal, if you ask us ;)


SHIFT Early Bird Sale Closes November 1st


Make SHIFT Happen at Our Next Conference